Just one more day...

Today is Monday. The movers come on Wednesday. I thought we were close to being ready for the movers but doing some packing and getting things together tonight makes me think that tomorrow I will be busting ass to finish up stuff before Wednesday. *sigh* I am so ready for this week to be over.

Coop asked me tonight if I was excited about moving. I guess I kind of am, but mostly I am just scared. There are so many things up in the air right now and I do not do well without stability. I feel emotionally all over the place. I don't feel grounded. Not having our own place, not knowing if we will have a paycheck after May, not knowing where Ben will be going to school, etc. All of these things weigh heavily on my mind.

All that considered, I think I am doing pretty well with keeping my emotions in check. I am not a crying mess. I put up a good front and keep moving forward. I try to keep things happy and exciting for the kids. All they need to know is that we will be living with Granny until we can find a new house.

Tomorrow night I will be shutting down the computer until we get to TLF. I am not sure of the internet situation but I will try to update when I can. The next couple weeks will be pretty busy so I hope to have quite a few updates.

One day at a time....


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